Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Just a quick note to say that unfortunately a few things have kept me from painting in recent weeks. Now I am about to head off overseas to continue my French language studies. I am also hoping to fit in some plein air painting studies afterwards. Posting to my blog might be rather infrequent but I should be back to regular blogging and painting early October . Until then, happy painting everyone !


Blanco said...

Helen chance avec votre franÇais et vous voir bientôt

Azra said...

Hi Helen,just been catching up on all your posts,I must say your brush swinging has created the most amazing effects on the fruits!! They are gorgeous!! i hope you find time to paint during your studies.

Linda Popple said...

Good luck in your studies, Helen! I will continue to miss your blog posts and your fantastic art!

Rita Vaselli said...

Hello Helen! I was a bit 'worried! Hope all is well for you! See you soon on the blog!HAPPY painting!

kathleen said...

Been missing your posts.:) Hope everything is okay, enjoy your trip, look forward to seeing new work when you return.:)

Nora MacPhail said...

Hello Helen, I hope your studies are going well. Hope you get some time to paint soon.