Saturday, 23 November 2019

Approaching Storm, WILLIAMSTOWN

Click here for purchasing details.
#355 - Oil - 8” x 6” (20.3cm x 15.3cm)  Sometimes you’re in the right place at the right time. Love the darkness before a storm as the sun keeps shining for as long as possible. What drama for a plen air painter!


Bruce Sherman said...

Hi Helen,
... and how beautifully you have captured those fleeting moments before light is replaced by darkness and the fury of winds and weather. A lot "said"... on a very small space. A real plein air gem. Underscores the true reason that some of us risk failure and discomfort... seeking the real Truth.


Warmest regards,

Teri said...

Hi Helen! - this painting really gives me the feeling of the rocking of the ocean and I love the drama!

Carol Flatt said...

Truly dramatic scene, Helen. I've been down by the water during a time just like this and it's both exciting and intimidating. Perfect use of color in the water with lots of whitecap action. Stunning!

ashok said...
