Monday, 27 June 2016

BUS 472 - #2



#308 - 6" X 8" - Oil

Another grey day but this time with misty rain. Still not much contrast in my tonal values. I was hoping for heavier rain so I'd have lots of reflections on the road...... but that didn't happen. I almost decided not to paint this one because I thought it would be too much like the first study. But then I realized that even if the weather is similar, no two paintings will be the same. Which is one of the reasons why I'm doing these studies in the first place. The road surface is a lot cooler compared to #1 and the bus lights were on making them my lightest lights.


Carol Flatt said...

Good subject matter, Helen! I like the offset of the bus. Very original!

Karen Johnston Daily Paintings said...

I love the road and you nailed the atmosphere! It looks dismal and wet. There is a big difference between this and the first one, I love them both:)

Helene Adamson said...

I can see the distinctions from your first, and you've captured that cool light of an early rainy morning. So many tonal elements to keep in balance, but you're so accomplished that you've managed masterfully.